
浩希为整个字节平台提供了350多种数字人形象,涵盖了多个行业的不同场景需求。帮助广告主低成本产出优质、生动的创意素材,极大地扩展了广告和内容创意的可能性。采用高分辨率的拍摄设备,确保数字人的图像质量清晰细腻。 AI 数字人拍摄是一项融合了前沿科技与创意艺术的创新实践。

Haoxi provides over 350 digital human images for the entire ByteDance platform, covering different scene requirements from multiple industries. Helping advertisers produce high-quality and vivid creative materials at low cost greatly expands the possibilities of advertising and content creativity. Using high-resolution shooting equipment to ensure clear and delicate image quality of digital humans. AI digital human photography is an innovative practice that combines cutting-edge technology and creative arts.